Monday, 12 September 2011

The Feast of Dorset


So we are nearly here again, The Feast Of  Dorset it's happening this weekend, 17/18 sept at
Deans Court...and we are all very excited. We are lucky enough to be cooking outside, on the ground, in the ground and way above the ground!!! holy smoke!!!

The team going to be very, very busy, as we are cooking underground, in a hangi, on the Saturday a very slow roasted shoulder of lamb, flat bread, roasted pumpkin, red onion and tahini dressing, lip smacking-ly good!! Then, we are demonstrating with a butchery expert Lee from purbeck larder ( who makes the most amazing charcuterie) and we'll show you how to de-construct (should you ever need to) a whole venison, whilst doing all that, myself and Jez will be making, a very quick venison casserole, wild mushrooms and pumpkin gnocchi!!!
Then I have Q/A....with Rose Prince, I can't believe I'm going to be on the same panel as her!!! bloody hell!!
Then we'll be cooking dinner for all the stall holders, drinking cider and dancing a little!! But not to much, we have to put the pork on for Sunday at 12am it takes 12 hours to cook!! Slow roast pork, cook over oak chippings, apple sauce and a nice soft bap!!! mouth is watering!!

Anyway, I hope you all can come and enjoy the weekend with us.

Come and say Hello!



Well, what can I say, we had a great evening sharing tapas and paella with all are guests on Thursday and Friday night......I hope everybody enjoyed it as much as we did!!

There are more pictures of the evening on our 'recent events page'.